23 Oct, 2020

Xiaowei Wang on Science Friday

From e-commerce villages to internet gaming sites, some of the biggest technology advances in China are taking place in the countryside. Creative director for Logic Magazine, Xiaowei Wang explores how this unique surge of technology is shaping the people and the countryside in her book Blockchain Chicken Farm: And Other Stories of Tech in China's Countryside.

What does big tech mean in China? Why is the countryside important to technology development in China? What is rural revitalization? How is blockchain being implemented into chicken farms? What will "Made in China" mean in the next 10 years? Find out in Science Friday's "Blockchain And Big Tech In China's Countryside".

From the episode:

"... we can build technology from a de-colonized standpoint that really gives openness and opportunity to different ways of being in the world. What I mean by that is I think a lot about the 'shanzhai' technology, where it is really about answering the needs of the user from the grassroots level. It's about making tech accessible. It's about ensuring that tech doesn't become the profi driven intellectual property constant battle. And instead is really orientated towards people..."

Check out the full recording here!

Interested in learning more? Hear Xiaowei Wang in conversation with An Xiao Mina on Monday, November 16, from 12:30-2pm in our Commons Conversations! More details here!