04 Mar, 2020

Alex Saum-Pascual named ARC Poetry Fellow

Alex Saum-Pascual, BCNM faculty and associate professor of Spanish, has received a fellowship from the Arts Research Center. She is part of the 2020 Poetry and the Senses Fellows class, joining a cohort of undergraduate, graduate, faculty, and community fellows to share creative work, research, discussion and critique.

Every year, eight fellows are chosen and each poet is awarded a $5,000 stipend.

According the Poetry and the Senses page:

The theme for 2020 is emergency. What kinds of poetic modes of address might be recruited in times of global catastrophe? How does poetry help us think through and within crisis? “Emergency” implies urgency, sudden harm, life-threatening violence, and extreme circumstances, but embedded within it is the word “emergence;” suggesting rebirth and new beginnings. How can we understand moments of emergency as catalysts for renewal, as ruptures that signal massive—if painful—change?

Curious who the other fellows are? Learn more about them here. [link no longer available]