03 Jun, 2019

Alum Christo Sims at the Business & Society Research Seminar

Alum Christo Sims will present from his book Disruptive Fixation: How techno-reformers often remake the very problems they aim to solve at the 20th Business & Society Research Seminar at the ESCP Europe Business School in Paris on June 13th, 2019 from 15:00 – 16:30.

From the website:

Despite an abundance of good intentions, techno-centric attempts to improve the world routinely fall short of reformers’ stated aims and often end up remaking many of the problems they aim to fix. How does this happen? Moreover, how does widespread enthusiasm for new techno-nostrums faithfully recur despite a long history of disappointments? This talk addresses these questions by drawing on an ethnographic case study of a recent attempt to reinvent the American public school for the digital age. By turning attention to what cycles of techno-idealism manage to accomplish, I argue that “failed” techno-interventions can be quite effective at absorbing political unrest, in large part because they provide many people with ample opportunities to experience and affirm their ethical and political indignations and ideals, but in ways that do not threaten entrenched social hierarchies.

For more information, see here!