25 Feb, 2019

Music & Architecture: Selected Bibliography Compiled by Alum Tiffany Ng

Interested in the intersections between music and architecture and don't know where to begin? Check out this new bibliography now available on Humanities Commons compiled by alum Tiffany Ng!

Tiffany is currently Assistant Professor of Carillon & University Carillonist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

From the description

This bibliography presents selected sources (mostly in English) at the intersection of music and architecture. Many of the sources approach the relationship between the practices through multiple case studies. Several books focused on particular artists in both disciplines have been included not because those artists are central to the study of music and architecture, but because those are the most informative examples of such books currently in publication. There exists a body of theoretical literature dealing with the spatial dimension of music in the abstract, with methods of translating music into architecture, and with the acoustics of architecture; only works addressing aspects of cultural studies have been included from that literature.

Access the bibliography here.