24 Sep, 2018

Ken Goldberg at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2018

BCNM prof. Ken Goldberg, UCOT's Chris Ategeka and Google AI's Timnit Gebru presented "Will AI Diversify Human Thinking or Replace It" at TechCrunch's Disrupt SF 2018.

Disrupt was a 3-day conference, from September 5th to 7th, focused on breaking technology news and developments with big-name thought leaders who are making waves in the industry. Throughout the event are activations, workshops, and parties that drive networking and discovery within the tech ecosystem.

Goldberg and his collegues presented "Will AI Diversify Human Thinking or Replace It" on September 7th on the NextStage.

From the Disrupt SF 2018 website:

Whether it's killer robots, irresponsible AI drivers, or prejudiced policing, advances in technology are spawning threats that sound straight out of sci-fi but could affect millions worldwide. Chris Ategeka, Timnit Gebru, and Ken Goldberg address the question of how to be responsible stewards of advanced technology and tackle these problems before they change or take lives.

Read more about TechCrunch Disrupt SF here.