Greg Niemeyer at the Riddoch Gallery
The Riddoch Art Gallery in South Australia held an exhibition in March that featured BCNM's Greg Niemeyer's work.
The "Silent Cave|Bell" exhibit took place over the span of March 24th - March 25th. Greg Niemeyer worked with Olya Dubatova to put together the exhibit for Mount Gambier's caves and galleries, capturing a "meditation on communication technologies."
More on the exhibit and presentation:
It features a bell music composition based on Russian and Indonesian bell rituals called Zvon and Gamelan. The bell music will play in the Mount Gambier Garden Cave from 1 pm to 10 pm, every hour on the hour, for a few minutes. The composition is algorithmic, meaning that the melody and layering of one section will return, with modifications, in the second section, an hour later. Listeners are invited to detect these differences.
The bell sounds themselves don’t come from real bells, but rather from bells created by a computer that “learns” to make bell sounds based on real bell recordings with machine learning. One bell in particular, the Russian Tsar Bell, takes center stage. Cast in 1732, the 200-ton bell broke before it ever rang. But the artists, together with a team of scientists, develop a sonic model for how the bell would have sounded.