03 Oct, 2011

The Human Rights Center presents Women, War, and Peace Screening - "I Came to Testify"

Women, War, and Peace Screening: "I Came to Testify"
19 October , 2011, 16:30-18:00pm
110 Boalt Hall, UC Berkeley
For more information, contact Alexey Berlind at 510-642-0965

The Human Rights Center at UC Berkeley hosts a screening of this groundbreaking special series on PBS, Women, War, and Peace, which is the most comprehensive global media initiative ever mounted on the roles of women in peace and conflict. "I Came to Testify", the first segment of this five part series, is the moving story of how a group of 16 women who had been imprisoned and raped by Serb-led forces in the Bosnian town of Foca broke history's great silence - and stepped forward to take the witness stand in an international court of law. Their remarkable courage resulted in a triumphant verdict that led to new international laws about sexual violence in war.

Following the screening, there will be a Q&A and discussion with Pamela Hogan, Executive Producer of the series.

Co-sponsors: Institute of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studeies, School of Journalism, and Boalt Hall Committee for Human Rights.