
Learning Mode: College Ready Hackathon

20 Feb, 2013

Learning Mode: College Ready Hackathon

Learning Mode: College Ready Hackathon
Sunday March 17, 2013, 9 am - 7 pm

The process of applying to university starts with imagination. But sometimes qualified students are unaware of the academic requirements or simply feel overwhelmed by the process. Whether through lack of counseling or the glut of information, even the best students may miss essential steps. This is especially true of community college students, whose requirements can be particularly complex and daunting. Develop an app to address this problem. Your New Media solution will make applying to college fun, inspiring and attainable for the least engaged, as well as most connected, students.

Wi-Fi and cloud-storage will be provided. Hackers should bring their own computers. Snacks and lunch will be provided.

This is an open registration to members of the public, advocates, professional developers, educators and students. Not a hacker? Don't kid yourself. If you have great ideas, we can pair you with skilled programmers.

Registration is requested to participate in the Hackathon. If possible please register by March 8, 2013. For more information and to register, please visit:

Presented by the CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative and the Berkeley Center for New Media, with support from the University of California Office of the President, the Departments of Education Partnerships and Student Affairs, and the Daily Californian.