Ken Goldberg's SPIE Keynote
SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, recently held their Medical Imaging 2016 conference in San Diego from February 27 to March 3. BCNM's Ken Goldberg was in attendance and gave a keynote presentation on Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling on March 1st, titled "Robot-Assisted Tumor Resection: Palpation, Incision, Debridement, and Adhesive Closure."
In his presentation, Goldberg discussed his work with Doug Boyd at UC Davis, in developing tooling and learning algorithms to facilitate supervised automation of surgical subtasks. Their recent work on palpation, dissection, retraction, debridement, and adhesive closure with the use of robotics was presented in a session on New Robotic Applications along with "Toward automated cochlear implant insertion using tubular manipulators " and "Increasing safety of a robotic system for inner ear surgery using probabilistic error modeling near vital anatomy."
SPIE is an international society advancing an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light. The not-for-profit society advances emerging technologies through interdisciplinary information exchange, continuing education, publications, patent precedent, and career and professional growth.