Special Events
23 Oct, 2013

Creating Minds: An Academic Conference on Reading and Writing in the Digital Age

The Creating Minds conference aims to stimulate a discussion on the radical, surprising, and unpredictable reorganization of cognition that has emerged from the revolution in the digital production of texts. Through a series of presentations and panel discussions, participants will evaluate the deeper consequences of this cognitive reframing for both authorship and the acts of reading.

The conference is divided into two sessions: "Creative Disruption" Expression and the Digital Form, 'and "Thinking Technologies" Reading the Digital Mind.' In the first, speakers from across the globe who work at the intersection of writing, publishing, and critical thinking will question how new technology and new forms of mediation have affected old practices that are deeply embedded in the human experience. In the second, two of the most influential intellectuals studying the relationship between human experience and technology -- the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler and the leader in post-human studies, Duke professor N. Katherine Hayles -- will probe the ways in which the act of thinking is always something mediated, shaped, and disrupted by its technological forms of prosthesis.

Creating Minds forms part of a constellation of events taking place in the Bay Area on the "Futures of the Book," and is produced by the Berkeley Center for New Media in partnership with the Books in Browsers conference, the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States, the Goethe Institute, and swissnex San Francisco, with financial support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Visit http://bcnm.berkeley.edu/creatingminds for more information!

Directions to Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall: http://citris-uc.org/about/headquarters
Email: info.bcnm [​at​] berkeley.edu

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