Special Events
13 Nov, 2014

Inter/nationalism from the Holy Land to the New World

Join Steven Salaita for an exploration of the recent trend in American Indian Studies to draw comparisons between the lives, histories, and movements of the indigenous peoples of the Americas and those of the Palestinians, the systems of inequality and oppression against which they struggle and the tools and mentalities of resistance with which they equip themselves, looking at both the insight and problems this perspective brings.

Salaita is Associate Professor of English at Virginia Tech. He is the author of six books: Israel's Dead Soul; Modern Arab American Fiction: A Reader's Guide; The Uncultured Wars: Arabs, Muslims, and the Poverty of Liberal Thought; Anti-Arab Racism in the USA; The Holy Land in Transit; and Arab American Literary Fictions, Cultures, and Politics.

Sponsors include the Native American Studies Program, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies Program, Comparative Ethnic Studies Program, the Center for Race and Gender, the Center for Middle East Studies, the Berkeley Center for New Media, the Department of Art Practice, the Department of Anthropology, the Department of Rhetoric, the Program in Religious Studies, Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences, and CAL SJP

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