2015 CITRIS Mobile App Challenge
Read the Revisited post of this event here.
Original Post
To promote innovation, community service, and career development among UC Berkeley students, The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) hosted a semester-long competition for students to develop mobile apps that address needs in the following categories:
Civic Tech & Smart Communities
Energy, Climate & Environment
Over the course of the spring 2015 semester, more than 50 students across 13 teams developed apps. Learn more about the challenge at mobileappchallenge.org
We invite you to attend a Public Pitch/Demo Day on May 5th where teams will give short presentations to both a panel of judges and the UCB community. Prizes of up to $2500 will be awarded in various categories including most votes by you!
Demo Day Schedule
1:00 - 2:40 pm: Team Presentations
2:40 - 3:30 pm: Public Showcase and Reception w/ light refreshments
3:30 - 4:00 pm: Awards Ceremony
The 2015 CITRIS Mobile App Challenge is made possible through the generous sponsorship of these following organizations: Microsoft, IBM, AT&T, the University of California, Pinterest, Berkeley Center for New Media, Social Apps Lab, and Amazon Web Services.