Search Results

2 days ago

Conference Grant Reports: William Morgan at Politics of the Machines

William Morgan presented "Human-AI Interaction Design (HAIID): Synthetic Personae, Shoggoths and Alignment."  Read more

29 Jun, 2023

Conference Grant Reports: William Morgan on Autocatallaxy

William Morgan traveled to Los Angeles, Mexico City, and Beijing to conduct and present elements of his research as part of the Antikythera Program. Read more

13 Mar, 2023

Announcing the Spring 2023 Conference Grant Recipients

Congratulations to these amazing students working in the fields of Asian studies, education, computer science, geography, film & media, rhetoric, EECS, architecture, and more! Read more

Next deadline – October 1, 2024

Conference Grants

Next deadline – October 1, 2024

Conference Grants