21 Jun, 2017

Camille Crittenden on Celebrations and Challenges for Queer Members of the Tech Community

In honor of Pride month, BCNM Executive Committee member, Crittenden recently released an article on the challenges for LGBT tech workers.

Crittenden, who is also the Deputy Director of the CITRIS and the Banatao Institute here on campus, acknowledged the extant inclusion within tech giants such as Microsoft, Slack, and Twitter. However, she notes, sometimes inclusive policies alone aren't enough to measure queer employees' satisfaction. What's often missing, Crittenden writes, is the necessary data:

"Unlike gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation is not a visible characteristic, and such data is often not collected or reported, even with the current trend toward transparency and publication of metrics on other under-represented groups."

Read Crittenden's suggestions on how educational institutions can better support their LGBT tech students.