Ken Goldberg Receives Google Research Grant

BCNM Professor Ken Goldberg received a 2016 Google Research Award for Machine Learning and Data Mining! Congratulations to Prof. Goldberg!
Google has just completed another round of the Google Research Awards, their annual open call for proposals on computer science and related topics including machine learning, machine perception, natural language processing, and security. The grants cover tuition for a graduate student and provide both faculty and students the opportunity to work directly with Google researchers and engineers.
This round Google received 876 proposals covering 44 countries and over 300 universities. After expert reviews and committee discussions, they decided to fund 143 projects. The subject areas that received the most support were machine learning, machine perception, networking and systems. Proposals related to Machine learning represented 20% of the total submissions received, up from 12% in 2015.
The deadline for the next round of grants is September 30th, 2017.
Read more about the grant here.