06 Apr, 2017

Nicholas de Monchaux Lecture at Eikones

At Eikones National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Iconic Criticism, in Basel, Switzerland, Nicholas de Monchaux presented a lecture as a part of the third segment of the “Planning, Contingency and the Image of the Modern City” series on March 30, 2017. The series was conceived to question cities’ historiography, critique the missteps of political intentionality, and the future evolution of modernity.

Nicholas’s lecture, “Apple X Star Wars: Architecture, Technology, and Power at Bay,” was an extension of an article he published in Quartz. Prompted by the new Apple headquarters, Nicholas draws curious comparisons between its architecture and the Star Wars’ iconic villain lair, the Death Star.

Read more about Eikones and the lecture series here.