11 May, 2023

Teddy Cruz & Fonna Forman Video & Transcript Now Online!

The incredible lecture and presentation "Unwalling Citizenship" by Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman, professors at University of California, San Diego, is now available online with the transcript!

On March 6, Cruz and Forman discussed their work on "citizenship culture" at the United States-Mexico border, and the network of civic spaces they have co-developed with border communities to cultivate regional and global solidarities. They asked, in this increasingly walled world, and with the surge of anti-immigrant sentiment everywhere: can the idea of citizenship be recuperated for more emancipatory and inclusive democratic agendas?

"Unwalling Citizenship" was an Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium Lecture co-sponsored by the Department of Architecture, the Department of Art Practice, the Arts Research Center, and the Center for Latin American Studies.

Read the full transcript here or watch the video here or below!

Image credit: De-borde(r), Estudio Teddy Cruz + Fonna Forman, 2018