27 Feb, 2023

Ryan Shaw Publishes Conceptual Modeling as Language Design

Ryan Shaw (BCNM alum) is an Associate Professor and Director of the undergraduate program at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he teaches courses on the foundations, theory, and practice of information science and information organization. Research-wise, he is interested in how information technologies are used to conceptualize and model our worlds and pasts. He is a member of ORG.

In his recently published research article, "Conceptual modeling as language design". The paper focuses on viewing conceptual modeling as a constructive process of language design that involves both explicating differences of meaning implicit in some discursive tradition and revising those differences to improve that tradition. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes how conceptual modeling can serve as the basis for a paradigm of information research and practice that does not reproduce fundamental asymmetries between researchers and the people they study, or between practitioners and the people they serve.

Ryan outlines his process as a combination of methods from what has up to now been different traditions or modes of conceptual modeling. Ryan also explains how the process of using conceptual modeling as a language design will require paying closer attention to the historical and structural dimensions of discursive traditions and reimagining the function of critique.

To Read The Full Paper, Click Here!