Eric Paulos Receives CITRIS Seed Grant for Bright Blue

The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Banatao Institute (CITRIS) at the University of California (UC) is proud to announce the 2022 CITRIS Seed Awards recipients. The awardees represent a diverse array of backgrounds, with 88 percent of the research teams including women or people of color. Over half of the research teams include a pre-tenure faculty member, and 75 percent of the principal investigators are new CITRIS Seed Award recipients.
Eric Paulos, Chief Learning Officer for the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation and Professor in Electrical Engineering Computer Science (EECS) and the Berkeley Center for New Media received the CITRIS seed grant for their proposal, "BrightBlue: Customizable, decomposable electrical energy storage". Eric will be working alongside UC Santa Cruz Professor Jennifer Parker in order to develop and test “Vims”: low-power supercapacitors that can charge rapidly and last for hours, made out of inexpensive, renewable, decomposable, and even edible materials.
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