Ken Goldberg Discusses the Biggest Robotics Trends of 2022
U.C. Berkeley robotics professor and chief scientist at Ambi Robotics Ken Goldberg answered many questions at a Q&A where he discussed the biggest robotic trends of 2022!
Ken Goldberg recalled three major robotics developments in 2022 that stand out to him: The surprising progress of large language models (e.g., GPT-3) and associated text-to-image generation; Elon Musk reframing Tesla as a robotics company, with their associated research initiative into humanoid robots; and the widespread adoption of robots in warehouses to meet the increasing demand for e-commerce was not diminished by the return to stores or inflation.
He also gave his own predictions for robot trends in 2023, "I believe we’ll see robots-as-a-service (RaaS) models that make robots available to a much wider segment of industry (e.g., Model T Ford financing that opened up car-buying to the middle class)."
To see the full Q&A transcript, Click Here! [link no longer available]