BCNM at the Bay Area Robotics Symposium
The program consists of a mix of faculty, student and industry presentations, featuring BCNM professors Eric Paulos and Ken Goldberg. Eric's talk was all about creating more intuitive ways for robots to help the design process but along the way he shared several fascinating facts about new ideas that are actually older than we think.
The tentative list of speakers for each talk session is:
Faculty talks #1 (09:00 -- 10:00): Mark Mueller, Claire Tomlin, Allison Okamura, Anca Dragan, Dorsa Sadigh, Ken Goldberg, Masayoshi Tomizuka
Faculty talks #2 (13:00 -- 14:00): Hannah Stuart, Grace Gao, Jitendra Malik, Mac Schwager, Alex Bayen, Maria Sakovsky, Sergey Levine, Monroe Kennedy
Faculty talks #3 (15:00 -- 16:00): Francesco Borrelli, Ricardo Sanfelice, Jeannette Bohg, Steve McGuire, Koushil Sreenath, Oussama Khatib
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