Farewell Mercedes Li

Mercedes will be graduating this spring with a B.A. in Public Health and Psychology in the Class of 2017! She’s been on the BCNM staff for the past three years, and has provided communications and events support for Center for New Media operations.
Over her four years at Cal she’s been lucky enough to be involved with the Cal Undergraduate Public Health Coalition and its associated journal The Public Health Advocate, student-run theater group BareStage Productions, the ASUC, Berkeley International Office, Innovative Design, and most recently, Cal ACLU. After graduation, she will be taking on an associate role at Triage Consulting Group in San Francisco, and hopes to eventually pursue an MBA/MPH and a career in health care policy and/or management.

Mercedes Li
From Lara Wolfe: “We are so lucky to have had Mercedes as part of the BCNM team. She has been an invaluable support over the past three years, bringing an incredible level of professionalism along with a can-do attitude to every task. Her design skills in particular have been so important in our day-to-day operations. Thank you, Mercedes, for your service! You will be greatly missed by us all!”