06 Apr, 2022

The Urgent Future Questionnaire by Jane McGonigal

"If there is one true thing to be said about what happened during the pandemic, it is that this cannot be the best that we can do. So what can we do better? What should we do next?" — Jane McGonigal

Alum Jane McGonigal shares in this blog post for Porchlight books how you can make your own urgent future questionnaire to help you get to your own future truth.

She writes, "The truest truth of the future is personal. It’s whatever we feel deep in our bones that we really want to be different, whatever we really need to be different, whatever we are willing to howl twice a day about until it is different. It’s whatever we are willing to spend not just a week, or a month, or a year, but a whole decade of our lives trying to make difference."

Find out more here!