16 Feb, 2022

Announcing Our Spring 2022 Class Fund Recipients

This year, we’re thrilled to be able to offer small grants to further support our faculty in their new media classes.

This semester, we had the privilege of revamping our equipment to support students in digital storytelling through hypertext fiction software and high quality podcasting equipment. Podcasting has become a particularly popular medium and our students are hungry to learn how to research, write, and produce quality content.

This new equipment was purchased for NWMEDIA 290: Digital Storytelling, which is also taught by Emma Fraser as a popular Media Studies course, but will benefit all new media courses in the future.

Through themes of crisis, catastrophe and speculative futures, the coure introduces students to the history and practice of digital storytelling. Using theories like cybertext, procedurality and narratology the content covers established and recent scholarship on new media, video games, non-linear texts and digitality. Students develop projects featuring interactivity, social media, machinima, podcasting, hypertext, StoryMaps and other natively digital forms and practices. Exploring ideas around crisis, ruin, dystopia and climate catastrophe, students experiment with digital storytelling techniques to extend their work into fiction, creative non-fiction, and speculation.

Stay tuned for the exciting projects they will produce!