15 Feb, 2022

Vincente Perez in River & South

Vincente Perez's "Neighborhood Séance" was featured in River & South's 2021 year review!

Vincente Perez is a Black Mexican-American performance poet, scholar, & writer working at the intersections of Poetry, Hip-Hop, and Digital Black cultural praxis. Their work centers on Black & Latinx lived experience and focuses on how artists use narrative to resist dominant stories that attempt to erase or enact violence on marginalized communities. They are a Ph.D. Candidate in Performance Studies at UC Berkeley and hold a BA in Anthropology from The University of Chicago.

From the poem:

My friends were fist fights
we broke each other
down. To withstand what was ahead

We ate and spat prophecies
misinterpreted as code-switching
cyphered with streetlight hymns [...]

Learn more about the review here!