13 Dec, 2021

Ken Goldberg's Real2Sim Featured on TechXplore

Ingrid Fadelli writes "Real2sim2real: A self-supervised learning technique applied to planar robot casting" featuring work by Ken Goldberg for TechXplore! The article describes how AUTOLAB is working with researchers at the Toyota Research Institute (TRI) to enhance the ability of robots to manipulate deformable objects; specifically, to untangle cables and handle fabrics.

From the article:

"While our prior work focuses more on (quasi-)static manipulation, this project explores the efficiency and effectiveness of dynamic motions for deformable object manipulation," Ken Goldberg, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told TechXplore. "In a previous paper, we focused on dynamic cable actions, such as "vaulting" to manipulate a cable with one endpoint fixed to a wall. Our new paper focuses on manipulating a free-end cable on a planar surface."

Read the full article here! [link no longer available]