08 Dec, 2021

BCNM Around the Web November 2021

Check out the amazing work of our students, faculty, and alumni around the web this November 2022!

Edgar Fabián Frías

Edgar performed at the Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten for "Opening Coven: Portal Brujxs." They shared their transdisciplinary, transnational, and gender-expansive creative magical practices as well as some oracular messages about the rest of 2021 and into 2022. Read more here. [link no longer available]

Ra Malika Imhotep

Watch Ra Malika Imhotep in a conversation on Black Poetry with writers and performance artists LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs at the Caribbean Cultural Center! See the video here! [link no longer available]

Ken Goldberg

Check out the work presented by Ken Golbderg at the Bay Area Robotics Symposium! The 2021 Bay Area Robotics Symposium aims to bring together roboticists from the Bay Area. The program consists of a mix of faculty, student and industry presentations. Watch the program here. [link no longer available]

Goldberg joined a conversation on the classic 1920 film The Golem to talk about what the film says about technology today. Check out the write up on Boing Boing! [link no longer available]

Sonia Katyal

Sonia Katyal gave the prestigious 10th Anniversary Peter Jaszi Lecture on the Commercial Counter Public. PIJIP’s Distinguished Lecture on Intellectual Property Law is named in recognition of the continuing contributions of Professor Peter A. Jaszi to the study of intellectual property at WCL, in the world at large, and in particular for his lasting contributions to the elevation of the public interest in intellectual property discourse. See more here. [link no longer available]

Asma Kazmi

Asma Kazmi gave a lecture at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies called "Islamic" Art: Perspectives on Scholarship and Praxis. She presented with Professor Wendy Shaw from the Free University, Berlin. See the listing here. [link no longer available]

Her work is also on show at an exhibition titled Suspended Matter at the Berkeley Art Center. Check out her installation After Jahangir there! [link no longer available]

Hannah Zeavin

Hannah Zeavin presented on her recently published book The Distance Cure at several conferences, including the Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute, where she discussed the potential ethical concerns when communication technology is used in psychotherapy, and NYU's Center for the Humanities, where she was in conversation with Natascha Dow Schull.

Ritwik Banerji

Alum Ritwik Banerji presented "Undesirable Humanness: An Ethnography of the Uncanny Valley" at Ohio State University. In this talk, Banerji argues that the uncanny valley is often a result of the machine’s rather accurate reenactment of disagreeable behavior the human interlocutor has encountered in past interactions with fellow human beings. See more here. [link no longer available]

danah boyd

danah boyd presented at the inaugural Microsoft Research Summit where science and technology leaders from around the world gave over 190 presentations about research projects driving advances across the sciences and pushing the limits of technology toward achieving a meaningful impact on humanity. Drawing on her research into the 2020 US census, danah boyd discussed how illusions surrounding data can be weaponized. She highlighted how the US Census Bureau’s decision to embrace differential privacy as part of its system to protect statistical confidentiality upended what people imagined the work of data to be. She then discussed the importance of grappling with uncertainty and limitations as a key part of responsible data science. See more here. [link no longer available]

Alenda Chang

Alenda was a judge for this year's Indiecade, the international festival for independent games! Check out the amazing program here. [link no longer available]

Grace Gipson

Alum Grace Gipson presented at a Distinguished Panel Discussion: The Portrayal of Women in Media and Entertainment. The conversation explored the issues around the media’s portrayal of women and girls—from effects on body image and self-identity—to the ways in which media both limits and empowers women and girls in today’s society. See more here. [link no longer available]

Jane McGonigal

Jane McGonigal helped build nad present this important forward planning learning program to help local governments think about and prepare for the future. Find out more here. [link no longer available]

Trevor Paglen

Check out the conversation between Trevor Paglen and Hito Steyerl about their works in the San Jose Museum of Art! [link no longer available]