25 Sep, 2021

The Therapist Will See You Now. But Where? By Hannah Zeavin

BCNM faculty Hannah Zeavin shines light on teletherapy ands its increasing significance in mental health services since the COVID pandemic in the Future article, The Therapist Will See You Now. But Where? In the article, Hannah describes the history of teletherapy (which spans farther back than one may think!), how its role has changed with the introduction of technology in the 21st century, and more!

From the article:

For those mental health clinicians who rely on interpretation-as-method, how to interpret a patient’s unwillingness to attend an appointment in person is a new challenge. Is it resistance or safety seeking? Yet this exposes a new turn in therapy, where power to set the framework of therapy is more equitably held between patient and therapist. Where to practice is not a therapist’s choice alone; even if a clinician moves back to the office, patients must be willing to join them. And while for some patients pandemic teletherapy meant a lack of privacy needed to pursue therapy (or in other cases lack of the means to do, so like a stable internet connection), many long-standing patients found nearly the opposite: that therapy mediated via technology—whether phone, app, or Zoom—can do something extremely useful.

Read the entire article here!