23 Sep, 2021


Faculty members Jacob Gaboury and Hannah Zeavin presented at SIGCIS 2021! The Special Interest Group for Computing, Information, and Society is the leading international group for historians with an interest in the history of information technology and its applications!

Jacob Gaboury presented in HISTORIES OF DIGITAL VISUAL CULTURE on "The Computer is Not a Visual Medium: Visual Methods for Computational Materiality."

Hannah Zeavin presented in INFRASTRUCTURES OF FEELING: COMPUTATIONAL CAPTURE IN PSYCHIATRIC AND SOCIAL SERVICES on "Micromothering: Videography and a Pre-History of Coding Emotion in the Clinic."

We're also pleased to share that 2020 Lyman Fellow Anushah Hossain presented in GLOBAL COMPUTING INFRASTRUCTURES:EMPIRE, MATERIALITY, AND CONNECTIVITY on her Lyman research "The Case of the Missing Character: Controversies over a Universal Encoding Standard."

For the full schedule, head here! We'll be sharing videos once available!