Hannah Zeavin on Couple's Therapy in the LA Review of Books

Hannah Zeavin discusses the complexities of couples therapy in comparison to individual therapy in the LA Review of Books' new article, Behind Closed Doors: America's Couple Therapy Entertainment Complex. With the rise of technology in mental health care, Hannah investigates how technology, psychoparmacological drugs, and other new ideas in mental health care has affected couples therapy.
From the article:
Across its longer history, therapy, and couples therapy in particular, has walked hand in hand with the creation of multimedia empires to deliver audiences “real couples” and their problems. Couples therapists have, repeatedly, made use of public examples of a single pair to provide vicarious care. Long before the dawn of scripted reality TV, therapists achieved iconic status by providing a form of therapy indistinct from entertainment to the many on the grounds of the few.
Read the entire article here!