29 Aug, 2021

Hannah Zeavin on How Therapy Isn't Available to All - Even with Zoom

BCNM faculty member Hannah Zeavin recently featured in The Guardian's Therapy via Zoom should make mental healthcare available for all - it hasn't. In the article, Hannah explains how good quality teletherapy is proving to be expensive and in short supply despite its reputation as a catch-all salve for the current mental healthcare crisis.

From the article:

Having a therapist see a patient on Zoom or condensing treatment to self-tracking and AI interfaces may be recent innovations, but the broad notion that technology and distanced processes will solve our woes is nothing new. We have been turning to forms of technology to deliver mental heath services for more than 100 years. From 19th-century written cures delivered by post and ad hoc telephone hotlines, to the continuing elusive work to create an AI shrink, there have been numerous mediated, networked and remote relationships used in attempts to fix longstanding problems with therapeutic provision. While those problems have obviously evolved over time, they have also stayed relatively the same: good care is expensive and in short supply, and barely begins to meet an overwhelming demand.

Read the entire article here!

The article was also reprinted on The Saxon. Read it here!