10 Jul, 2021

KC Forcier Reviews Beyond the Uncanny Valley

BCNM graduate student Kaitlin Forcier recently published a review of the San Francisco de Young museum exhibit Uncanny Valley: Being Human in the Age of AI. The exhibition reopened for Spring 2021 and displays a variety of contemporary artworks about artificial intelligence from artists all around the world.

From the review:

The exhibition is not about fantasy and speculation, nor is it about the now century-long history of artificial intelligence. Rather it looks at the present: AI is here, the show demonstrates, and informs myriad areas of our lives today, from policing and surveillance to how we shop, work, and communicate. The true eeriness of Uncanny Valley lies in seeing the range of applications that have arisen from these algorithms and the many ways in which they shape experience. As the show explores, AI today means much more than just machines that mimic humans. Most of what is considered artificial intelligence are algorithmic technologies that automatically perform acts of perception, tracking, quantification, prediction, and simulation.

Read the entire review here!