Fandom + Piracy: Event Videos and Transcripts Available

Image: Q&A from Kavita Philip's "Studies in Unauthorized Reproduction"
Thank you so much for attending Fandom + Piracy, our first ever virtual mini-series! The series consisted of two lectures and two panels that took place online on four consecutive Thursdays in Spring 2021, and explored how fandom and piracy have played a part in the evolution of the internet, how they have attracted millions of participants and become akin to social movements, how they have given rise to digital platforms that both augment and defy the corporatization of media production and the web, and how race/ethnicity, gender, and sexuality operate within fan and pirate communities.
We are so thankful for the participation from our incredible speakers, interloctuors, students, and audience members. Keep scrolling for a review of all the events in the series, with links to event videos and transcripts!
"How should we theorize injury in fan studies?"
with Rebecca Wanzo
Professor and and Chair of the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Washington University in St. Louis
Rebecca Wanzo explores how injury is just as important as pleasure in our understanding of the role of the popular in our lives, and discusses how competing injuries often structure evaluations of the popular text’s value.
~Video (Q&A)
~Transcript (Q&A)
Fandom & Race
with andré carrington, Racquel Gates, Alfred Martin, and Rukmini Pande
Scholars of color discuss how fandom is racialized, how race is addressed (and not) in fannish spaces, how and where people of color explore and express their fannish interests, how fans of color are responding to the media industries’ attempts at diversifying casts and narratives, and their visions for the future of fan studies.
"Studies in Unauthorized Reproduction"
with Kavita Philip
Professor of History and Affliate Faculty in Informatics at University of California, Irvine
Kavita Philip reads the 21st-century debate over “sharing,” “openness,” and “freedom” in software, music, and film not as an entirely unique and unprecedented moment, but rather, via a genealogical understanding of its legal, cultural, and political-economic conditions of enunciation.
Piracy & Capitalism
with Alexander Dent, Keller Easterling, Jennifer Holt, Brewster Kahle, and Elleza Kelley
A discussion of the long and troubled history of piracy’s relationship to capitalist frameworks of ownership, authorship, access, infrastructure, sharing, saving, and theft from the perspectives of anthropology, architecture, media industries, archives, and literature.
~Transcript [link no longer available'
For more on Fandom + Piracy