Ken Goldberg & the CDL Reading Group on Klara and the Sun
BCNM faculty member Ken Goldberg recently conversed with Geordie Rose and the CDL Reading Group on human-like grasping in robotics in Creative Destruction Lab's The Road to Human-like Grasping in Robotics is Long.
From the discussion:
Geordie Rose: Grasping and manipulation of the world engages a whole bunch of different systems that need to be built in order to do it. One of them is you need a sophisticated machine like a hand. The hand needs to move and it also needs to sense, and the mind, the control system, needs to be able to both see the world and understand it. And it needs to be able to do this under wildly different conditions. So I wanted to reinforce the difficulty of this problem. It's a very, very complex problem. It's very simple to build a machine that will pick up something in a static environment, but that's not what we're talking about - we're talking about you.
Ken Goldberg: I really love your point about AI complete. You're right, it incorporates all these nuanced aspects, and I think when we pick up an object which we can effortlessly do, there is so much going on there it's just staggering.
Check out the entire video here!