11 Jun, 2021

Ken Goldberg on Getting a Grip on Reality

BCNM faculty Ken Goldberg recently published the editorial for Science Robotics on how gripping remains one of the grand challenges for robotics research.

From an article highlighting the research:

Ken Goldberg who is the senior author of the study and William S. Floyd Jr. Distinguished Chair in Engineering at UC Berkeley said, “Warehouses are still operated primarily by humans, because it’s still very hard for robots to reliably grasp many different objects.”

While adding further they said, “In an automobile assembly line, the same motion is repeated over and over again, so that it can be automated. But in a warehouse, every order is different.”

The details about this technology are available in a paper published in the journal ‘Science Robotics’. The task of automating warehouses can be a tricky one as many actions and decisions that come naturally to humans can be quite difficult for the robots such as the decision of how to pick up an object, the coordination of the movements of shoulders, wrists and arms to move each object from one location to another location.

Read the entire article here and check out Goldberg's paper here! For a free version of the article, click here!