21 Apr, 2021

Janaki Vivrekar on Discovering HCI at Berkeley

BCNM Certificate and Electrical Engingeering and Computer Science graduate student Janaki Vivrekar published a Medium article with a list of on-campus resources, departments, courses, and centers for those interested in studying the intersection of technology, communication, society, arts and design. And Janaki would know — she was an undergraduate at Cal and earned a BCNM Certificate for her amazing new media involvement.

Among the resources mentioned, Janaki highlights the Berkeley Center for New Media and our many amazing public programs, including our Art, Technology, and Culture colloquium, and our faculty's labs, such as Eric Paulos' Hybrid Ecologies Lab. It also comes in handy for decoding some of the acronyms associated with Berkeley (EECS, BAMPFA, ARC, CTSP,etc.) and as a starting point for research opportunities.

Read the full article here!