18 Apr, 2021

Hannah Zeavin Joins BCNM

Hannah Zeavin, a lecturer in the English and History departments, has joined the BCNM Executive Committee! Dr. Zeavin received her B.A. from Yale in 2012 and her PhD from NYU in 2018. Her work falls within the broad scope of science, medicine, and technology studies, with her focuses ranging from pyschology, the role of technology in the home and as a tool of mental health, and medical anthropology. Zeavin’s first book, The Distance Cure: A History of Teletherapy , is forthcoming from MIT Press in August 2021, with a Foreword by John Durham Peters. She is at work on her second book, Mother’s Little Helpers: Technology in the American Family (MIT Press, 2023). Dr. Zeavin serves as an Editorial Associate at the Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association and is a co-founder of the STS Futures Initiative. She is also an affiliate faculty of the Berkeley Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society. Her works have appeared in Logic Magazine, Somatosphere, Slate, Real Life Magazine, American Imago, and more.

Welcome Dr. Zeavin! We're so grateful to have her insight at BCNM!