17 Apr, 2021

Celeste Kidd Receives Janet Taylor Spence Award

Congratulations to Professor Celeste Kidd for receiving the Janet Taylor Spence Award!

The Association for Psychological Scientists' prestigious 2021 Janet Taylor Spence Award recognizes APS members who have "shown innovative research ideas and made meaningful contributions that have helped advance psychological science." Celeste and the Kidd lab were recognized for their use of computational modeling and behavioral methods to study the processes involved in knowledge acquisition.

Check out the official 2021 APS Janet Taylor Spence Award announcement here!

From their feature on Celeste's work:

What questions do you hope to tackle in the future?

The big one: How can we give people better access to truth in the world? And, relatedly, how can we build technologies that help humans transcend the biases in their belief formation processes, rather than exploit or reinforce them?