12 Apr, 2021

Ken Goldberg in WAFR 2020 Proceedings

BCNM faculty Ken Goldberg was recently featured in the International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) 2020 Proceedings. His article, titled "ABC-LMPC: Safe Sample-Based Learning MPC for Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Adjustable Boundary Conditions" was discussed during the conference and included in a journal on the 2020 WAFR Proceedings.

From the article abstract:

We present a novel LMPC algorithm, Adjustable Boundary Condition LMPC (ABC-LMPC), which enables rapid adaptation to novel start and goal configurations and theoretically show that the resulting controller guarantees iterative improvement in expectation for stochastic nonlinear systems. We present results with a practical instantiation of this algorithm and experimentally demonstrate that the resulting controller adapts to a variety of initial and terminal conditions on 3 stochastic continuous control tasks.

Read about Goldberg's work here, and check out his conference presentation in video format here and below!