09 Feb, 2021

Eric Paulos on the 67 Things a UC Berkeley MDes Student Should Know

BCNM faculty Eric Paulos recently published a Medium piece on all of the things a student in the new Berkeley Master of Design program should know!

From the article:

Yesterday we officially welcomed our first cohort of students to the exciting new UC Berkeley MDes program! As I was reflecting on how to welcome the students and capture my hopes and goals for the MDes program, I recalled American architectural critic, Michael Sorkin’s list of 250 things an architect should know. Building on this as inspiration, I generated a list of the 67 Things a UC Berkeley MDes Student Should Know by the time they complete their degree at Berkeley. This list is very much personal and poetic but after I read it to them I was asked to share it online. I am including it below in hopes it will inspire others and serve as a guide. Be aware that some items are specific to the Berkeley campus and surrounding areas and will not generalize to all geographies. Enjoy!

Read the rest of the article and the 67 things a MDes student must know here!