Trevor Paglen Featured in Forbes
BCNM alum Trevor Paglen was recently featured in a Forbes article titled "To Expose The Bigotry Of AI, Artist Trevor Paglen Is Putting Computers On Trial". The article delves into Paglen's work and how it pertains to artificial intelligence and technology.
From the article:
Trevor Paglen is to artificial intelligence what Upton Sinclair was to meatpacking. An important exhibition at the Carnegie Museum of Art shows some of what he’s uncovered. Equally important, the exhibit provides an introduction to his distinctive form of muckraking.
Paglen would do well as a conventional investigative journalist. Using public records and high-powered optics – and occasionally even scuba gear – he has exposed reconnaissance satellites and the secret “chokepoints” where the National Security Agency taps into the global telecommunications infrastructure.
Read the entire article here!