Jen Schradie's The Revolution That Wasn't Reviewed in the American Journal of Sociology
BCNM alum, Jen Shradie’s book “The Revolution That Wasn’t” was recently reviewed by Rik Smit in the American Journal of Sociology!
From review:
In the final paragraphs of her book, The Revolution That Wasn't: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives, Jen Schradie writes, “The age of digital utopianism seems to be in its twilight. In the long night ahead, activists of all stripes will try to seize the internet’s potential for their cause”(p.279). In the second decade of the 21st century, she shows that it was conservatives who most effectively seized the digital tool at their fingertips. Like a peat fire burning undetected for a long time, right-wing individuals and groups were able to develop and formulate a clear ideology surrounding such concepts as Freedom and Truth while honing their digital media skills.
To read the full review click here!