01 Dec, 2020

Xiaowei Wang interviewed by Severance author Ling Ma in Wired

BCNM DE student Xiaowei Wang was interviewed by Ling Ma, the author of the 2018 fictional book Severence that uncannily predicted a global pandemic, for Wired. In the article, Wang discusses their book Blockchain Chicken Farm.

From the article:

In the book’s loose travelogue framework, we find ourselves in unexpected places. There’s Dinglou village, which has improbably transformed itself into a global costume manufacturing hub, with family homes doubling as fulfillment centers. In the namesake “blockchain chicken farm,” located in the mountainous village of Sanqiao, we’re introduced to a supply chain that provides for affluent urbanites, who view online videos to verify the authenticity of their free-range poultry.

Read the rest of the article here!