19 Nov, 2020

Alex Saum-Pascual in Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities

BCNM faculty Alex Saum-Pascual's essay "Toys and Toons: From Hispanic Literary Traditions to a Global E-Lit Landscape" with Élika Ortega is included in Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms & Practices!

From the volume's description:

Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms & Practices is a volume of essays that provides a detailed account of born-digital literature by artists and scholars who have contributed to its birth and evolution. Rather than offering a prescriptive definition of electronic literature, this book takes an ontological approach through descriptive exploration, treating electronic literature from the perspective of the digital humanities (DH)––that is, as an area of scholarship and practice that exists at the juncture between the literary and the algorithmic.

Read more about the volume and Alex Saum-Pascual's essay here!