18 Nov, 2020

Alex Saum-Pascual in ICIDS Exhibition

Alex Saum-Pascual and HTNM speaker Elizabeth Pensée are featured in the ICIDS Exhibition! Alex Saum-Pascual presents Corporate Poetry where her work highlights the everyday confinement we may feel during the pandemic. Elizabeth Pensée presents her 2D point-and-click adventure game, “When Rivers were Trails,” revealing the effects colonization had on Indigenous people.

Make sure to take a look at their exhibition!

Alex Saum-Pascual’s exhibition:

Corporate Poetry is an exploration into how corporate language relates to that other corpora that is our body. Through a series interactive “rooms,” this work repurposes the language of a variety of online forms and platforms (Google Forms, Survey Monkey, Zoom and Qualtrics, among others) in order to domesticate the neoliberal intent of these data gathering technologies. By bringing attention to language and our embodied reality, these works of poetry make visible the digital infrastructure that is unintentionally brought into our homes whenever we participate in an online survey or take a video conferencing call. In a time where measures to contain the global pandemic are forcing citizens to shelter in their homes, these works illuminate a new dimension of our everyday confinement.

To read the full description click here!

Elizabeth LaPensee’s exhibition:

In When Rivers Were Trails, you play as an Anishinaabe person who has been run off by gun shot from their home territory during the use of land allotment as a colonial strategy to displace Indigenous people in North America in the 1890's. You begin a long journey west to find your place, coming across people from many Indigenous nations who are each experiencing their own struggles and overcoming them in their own ways. You are challenged to balance your wellbeing and survive while also being called on to contribute to resistances and share foods and medicines.

To read the full description click here!