
Gail De Kosnik Joins C2I2 Scholars Council

11 Nov, 2020

Gail De Kosnik Joins C2I2 Scholars Council

BCNM director Gail De Kosnik joined the UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry's Scholars Council. The Scholars Council consists of a group of scholars, artists, activists and leaders who share the common aim of standing up against unjust technology and systems of opression. With her past research on the effects of social media on social movement mobilization and political participation and experience teaching workshops and social science courses, Gail is no doubt a perfect match for the Scholars Council!

Gail was appointed as the Director of BCNM in June 2019 and is an Associate Professor for Berkeley's Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies. Her research explores popular media, with an emphasis on how issues of feminism, queerness, ethnicity, and transnationalism intersect with new media studies and performance studies. Gail is currently working on a book on artists, politicans, journalists, and self-identifying media pirates, with the working title Performing Piracy.

Read more about C2I2 here!