Alum Trevor Paglen Featured in Wall Street Journal Magazine
BCNM alum Trevor Paglen was recently featured in a Wall Street Journal Magazine article titled "Trevor Paglen Is Putting the Art in Artificial Intelligence." The article discusses Paglen's multimedia work experience, intersecting different art forms with artificial intelligence and technology.
From the article:
In his work, Paglen, 45, inspects biases, agendas and mistruths. He has photographed CIA black sites, learned how to scuba dive in order to see the physical cables that permit invisible data transfers, worked with filmmaker Laura Poitras on her documentary about whistleblower Edward Snowden and launched the first satellite sculpture into space. He also surfs in Hawaii, explores the deserts of the southwest United States and maps the cosmos. Though his art practice has taken countless forms, he has consistently worked to reveal the hidden power dynamics that, even to those who are aware of them, can feel infinite, inescapable and, at times, inevitable.
Read more about Paglen and the rest of the article here!