Alum Alenda Chang Publishes A Manifesto for Environmental Game Design
Alum Alenda Chang published "Rambunctious Games: A Manifesto for Environmental Game Design" in the Art Journal! The article argues that given landscapes are a product of our representation, they should be more consciously designed.
From the article:
On a globe irrevocably altered by human action and inaction, we must relinquish the myth of wilderness preservation and turn our attention to cultivating, at best, Earth as a “rambunctious garden.” Such a garden has much in common with recent attempts to rename our current geological epoch from the Holocene to the Anthropocene, Anthrobscene, Chthulucene, and so on, but as a metaphor it is noticeably less melancholy, directing us toward a “post-wild” natural world where, in effect, we let ecological bygones be bygones and allow ourselves to cherish what remains. This does not absolve us of our mistakes, but reorients us around practices of care and cultivation freed from the onus of a prelapsarian environmental purity.
Read the full manifesto here!