25 Jun, 2020

BCNM Undergraduate Work Featured in Discovery

In a user interface class taught by BCNM Professor Eric Paulos, BCNM undergraduate Janaki Vivrekar (Computer Science, Applied Mathematics) and teammate Revekka Kostoeva came up with Vibrato, an Android moible application designed for Deaf / Hard of Hearing (D/HoH) individuals.

They were randomly paired together in Fall 2018, and were asked to tackle problems of access and ability. As music lovers, they quickly settled on designing music technology for the D/HoH community. It augments their experience through sensory details such as haptic vibration, adjustable bass and on-screen visualization.

In Spring 2019, Vivrekar and Kostoeva were selected for the Jacobs Institute Innovation Catalysts Ignite Grant to continue developing their project.

Read the entire feature here.

You can watch their YouTube interview below.