05 Mar, 2020

#Identity Reviewed in Cultural Sociology

Nicola Bozzi from Cultural Sociology reviewed Abigail De Kosnik & Keith Feldman's #identity: Hashtagging Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Nation. The review noted how #identity is exceptionally worthy reading because it not only reminds us that studying hashtags is interesting, but it demonstrates why such studies are important. #Identity comprises the collected essays of The Color of New Media Working Group, co-organized by Gail and Keith.

From the review:

The US-centric focus of the collection is also due to its geographic specificity: the book is in fact the first publishing endeavour of The Color of New Media, a Berkeley-based working group that focuses on the perspectives of minoritarian users and makers of digital culture. The group’s contingency is explored throughout three chapters based on long conversations about three landmark events: the Ferguson unrest, the election of Trump, and Berkeley’s own controversial Free Speech Week. Rather than a mere appendix, the conversations provide an important counterpoint to the essays, offering a precious situated account of what it means to do critical media research within an institutional and political context where real-life, conservative trolls like Milo Yiannopoulos are invited to speak on the same grounds on which, in the 1960s, the Free Speech Movement was staging acts of civil disobedience for civil rights and against the war in Vietnam.

You can read the entirety of the review here.